Spring Native + AWS Lambda Part 3 - The Deploy

Part 3 of this series will take you through the process of creating an environment on AWS to deploy our AWS Lambda Function.

Table of Contents:

Before We Deploy

Before deploying our code, we need to create a DynamoDB table, and create the Lambda Function using the AWS Console. We also need to create a IAM Role to allow our Lambda Function to communicate with DynamoDB. When working with AWS Services, make sure you are using the same region as they are not all global services.

This post is going to be image heavy as it is easier to show the steps in AWS instead of describing them.

IAM Role

IAM Roles are very important for security on AWS. It is best practice to make roles with the least privilege when deploying any service to AWS.

Open the IAM console to create a new Role.

IAM Console
Selecting a use case

On the permissions page, select:

  • AmazonDynamoDBReadOnlyAccess
  • AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole

as show in the screenshot below. You can skip adding tags in the step after that.

IAM Role Finalize

DynamoDB Table

Head over to the DynamoDB console to create a table.

DynamoDB Console

Table creation in DynamoDB is very simple. Provide a table name ('sessions', like we use in our code), a partition (primary key) and a sort key. We do not need to set up our attributes, as DynamoDB is schema-less. Leave the rest of the options as defaults.

DynamoDB Create Table

With our new table created, open the Item view and create a new item we will use to test our application later.

DynamoDB Item View
DynamoDB Create Item

To make things easy, simple copy and paste the following JSON to create the new item:

  "userId": {
    "S": "player1"
  "sessionId": {
    "S": "abc123"
  "results": {
    "M": {
      "player1": {
        "N": "1"
      "player2": {
        "N": "3"
      "player3": {
        "N": "5"
  "participants": {
    "SS": [
  "timestamp": {
    "N": "1632936430"
Player item JSON

Feel free to create extra items, using the above template. Make sure the userId and sessionId fields together are unique, like a compound key in SQL.

Lambda Function

Our code is written and compiled, and we have a DynamoDB table to work with. We are now ready to deploy the code and test everything works.

In the same region you created the DynamoDB Table, open the Lambda console and create a new Function.

Lambda Console

For the Function, keep the default 'Author from scratch'.

Lambda Create Function

The Function has now been created, which means we can upload our code. Click '.zip file' from the 'Upload from' drop down and upload the .zip package in the /target directory of the project.

Lambda Function Console
Uploading the .zip file

Once the file has been uploaded, we need to make one more change before testing. Edit the 'runtime settings' on the 'Code' tab, changing the handler to the name of our function, getSessions. This tells AWS which function to call when requests are sent to our Lambda.

Changing Runtime Settings

The Result

Now that we have deployed and configured our Lambda Function, we can finally test it.

Lambda Function Test

The first test is against a cold start of the Lambda, but it should still finish in less than a second. I already started my Lambda so my results reflect that.

Lambda Function Test Results

I created a non-native version of this function and ran a quick test to show the difference it makes.

Version Memory Cold Start Warm Start Memory Used
Non-Native 512 MB 4258.94 ms 40 - 80 ms 204 MB
Native 512 MB 179.03 ms 5 - 10 ms 116 MB
Native 128 MB 722.57 ms 5 - 10 ms 116 MB

On AWS, configuring Memory also influences CPU. This explains the faster cold start difference between the two native tests. The non-native version ran out of memory using 256 MB and crashed.


Through this series, I have shown the bare bones code required to get up and running with a Spring Cloud Function, throwing in DynamoDB for a real use case.

From writing code, to compilation and deployment, creating Functions-as-a-Service has never been easier with Spring Cloud Function and Spring Native.

Hopefully you have enjoyed and learned something from this series of posts. Feel free to leave a comment below.

Happy coding!

Full source code can be found on my Github

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