Spring Native + AWS Lambda Part 3 - The Deploy

Part 3 of this series will take you through the process of creating an environment on AWS to deploy our AWS Lambda Function. Table of Contents: * Part 1 - The Code * Part 2 - The Build * Part 3 - The Deploy * Before We Deploy * IAM Role * DynamoDB Table * Lambda Function…

Spring Native + AWS Lambda: Part 2 - The Build

Part 2 is of this series is all about compiling our Function to a native executable and bundling it with a bootstrap file for AWS Lambda. Table of Contents: * Part 1 - The Code * Part 2 - The Build * Getting Started * Building The Native Image * Part 3 - The Deploy…

Spring Native + AWS Lambda: Part 1 - The Code

Earlier this year, the Spring Team released the beta version of Spring Native, giving Spring developers the chance to try out GraalVM and see what all the fuss was about. Quarkus and Micronaut both support GraalVM and cloud native development, so it was about time for Spring to join in.…